A Python async extension is a modular component that using Python's asyncio framework. If you want to wrap existing Python codes that use asyncio into a TEN extension, using the Python async extension is the simplest and most convenient option.
Example: The Default Python Async Extension
Here’s how a Python async extension is structured:
import asyncio
from ten import AsyncExtension, AsyncTenEnv
class DefaultAsyncExtension(AsyncExtension):
async def on_configure(self, ten_env: AsyncTenEnv) -> None:
# Mock async operation, e.g. network, file I/O.
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
async def on_init(self, ten_env: AsyncTenEnv) -> None:
# Mock async operation, e.g. network, file I/O.
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
async def on_start(self, ten_env: AsyncTenEnv) -> None:
# Mock async operation, e.g. network, file I/O.
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
async def on_deinit(self, ten_env: AsyncTenEnv) -> None:
# Mock async operation, e.g. network, file I/O.
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
async def on_cmd(self, ten_env: AsyncTenEnv, cmd: Cmd) -> None:
cmd_json = cmd.to_json()
ten_env.log_debug(f"DefaultAsyncExtension on_cmd: {cmd_json}")
# Mock async operation, e.g. network, file I/O.
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
# Send a new command to other extensions and wait for the result. The
# result will be returned to the original sender.
new_cmd = Cmd.create("hello")
cmd_result = await ten_env.send_cmd(new_cmd)
ten_env.return_result(cmd_result, cmd)
Each method simulates a delay using await asyncio.sleep().
Aysnc loop for event handling
Create a queue: use asyncio.Queue.
Create an async task for event handling.
Here is the sample code:
import asyncio
from ten import AsyncExtension, AsyncTenEnv
class DefaultAsyncExtension(AsyncExtension):
queue = asyncio.Queue()
loop:asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None
async def on_start(self, ten_env: AsyncTenEnv) -> None:
self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
async def on_stop(self, ten_env: AsyncTenEnv) -> None:
async def _consume(self) -> None:
while True
value = await self.queue.get()
if value is None:
self.ten_env.log_info("async loop exit")
# Code for processing values retrieved from the queue.
except Exception as e:
self.ten_env.log_error(f"Failed to handle {e}")
TEN's Python async extension provide a powerful way to handle long-running tasks asynchronously. By integrating Python’s asyncio framework, the extensions ensure that operations such as network calls or file handling are efficient and non-blocking. This makes TEN a great choice for building scalable, modular applications with asynchronous capabilities.