Getting Started

In this chapter, we’ll build the TEN Agent together. For additional help, check out the YouTube video tutorial at the end.


Docker setting on Apple Silicon

You will need to uncheck "Use Rosetta for x86_64/amd64 emulation on Apple Silicon" option for Docker if you are on Apple Silicon, otherwise the server is not going to work.

Next step

1. Prepare config files

In the root of the project, use cd command to create `.env` file from example . It will be used to store information for `docker compose` later.

>_ Terminal
cp ./.env.example ./.env

2. Setup API keys & Environment variables in .env file

Open the .env file and fill in the keys and regions. This is also where you can choose to use any different extensions:

# Agora App ID and App Certificate
# Certificate is only required when enabled within account

# Azure STT key and region

# Azure TTS key and region

# OpenAI API key

3. Start agent builder toolkit containers

In the same directory, run the docker command to compose containers:

>_ Terminal
docker compose up

4. Build TEN Agent

Open up a separate terminal window, build the agent and start the server:

>_ Bash
docker exec -it astra_agents_dev bash
make build

5. Start the server

Now the server is running at port: 8080.

>_ Bash
make run-server

Finish and verify your agent

You can open https://localhost:3001 in browser to use your graph designer. Simultaneously, open another tab at https://localhost:3000 to see the customized voice agent up and running.

Now you have the power of the Graph Designer at your fingertips to perform the magic of agent customization yourself. 🎉

Graph designer

TEN Graph Designer (beta), a tool that requires zero coding knowledge and makes the experience of creating agentic applications smoother.

Video tutorials



Last updated